


Unit 1 I’m making Daming’s birthday card.

Function: Talking about ongoing events

Recycling: Present continuous tense; model can for ability

Language: Who can help me?

          Sorry, I can’t. I’m making Daming’s birthday card.

Vocabulary: card, careful, balloon, fly away


Step 1 Warm-up

1. Sing an English song: We wish you a happy Christmas.

2. Review words: supermarket, party, birthday, bag, oranges

Step 2 Introduction

    1. Tell the children that in our daily life, we may come across various difficulties.

2. Today we are going to learn how to do..

Step 3 Presentation

1. Put the chart on the blackboard and ask the children to look at the picture carefully.

2. Play the cassette and circle the new words.

3. Play the cassette and ask some questions.

4. Teach the new words in different ways.

5. Play the cassette again and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat.

6. Practice in groups and act out the dialogue.

Step 4 Finish a Task

1. Finish activity 3.

2. Play a game: card-birthday card-a birthday- making a birthday card- I’m making a birthday card.

Step 5 Homework

1. Read the text in role.

2. Finish task 5.